Mobile Renewa AccessControlling Mobile Device Management Costs

Did you know that 59% or organizations allow employees to use their own devices for work purposes? Another 13% had planned to allow use within a year.* The costs of supporting and locking down all those mobile devices to maintain control of company data is enormous – sited by TouchCom’s recent article at over $2000 per device per year.

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) work culture across several sectors may help with productivity and accountability but having your users sign off on a company computer usage policy is not going to protect your data from malware, viruses, and/or theft.

Industry experts including Forrester Wave and Gartner Magic Quadrant are full of reports and analysis pointing to Crime-As-A-Service or CAAS being an expensive and critical concern for most Enterprises. Security breaches have become more prevalent and devastating. In 2018 most Directors and Executives in the IT arena are having to budget and plan for what to do about Mobile Data Management (MDM) in the ubiquitous BYOD work style many companies practice.

Remote users are standard in today’s global marketplace and mobility is essential for all users as the demand for instant collaboration and instant answers are needed to stay competitive, relevant, and informed. You can’t expect your European or Asian office to be limited by time zones or to a remote help desk.

MyWorkDrive allows data centers to be always accessible, always secure, and always ready for work no matter what device you are on and no matter where you are. Why allocate resources and have the stress of choosing the right MDM vendor or add more expensive software when you can simply set up MyWorkDrive on your user community’s devices.

Critical questions every IT Director and Executive needs to ask is:

  • How can my corporate data stay safe?
  • How can my corporation manage employee-owned mobile devices that are also used for work but are not on the same operating system?
  • How can corporate data be protected from malware, data breaches and other prevalent risks while maintaining the level of employee efficiency?
  • How can mobile device management be cost-effective or eliminated?

MyWorkDrive helps any remote user access company digital assets without having to migrate to the cloud, sync or share, or use VPNs which end up being another thing to manage and budget for.

MyWorkDrive the secure remote access tool is the answer for locking down your data and digital assets. Sign-up for free trial here.

*from TechCrunch

Daniel, Founder of, has worked in various technology management roles serving enterprises, government and education in the San Francisco bay area since 1992. Daniel is certified in Microsoft Technologies and writes about information technology, security and strategy and has been awarded US Patent #9985930 in Remote Access Networking