Version 3.1 Released!

HTTP File Server Windows

WebDAV Server Windows Alternative

MyWorkDrive showcased in Small Business Trends

MyWorkDrive showcased in Small Business Trends Great article explaining the MyWorkDrive solution and problem we fix for small businesses!! IT Company Builds Software Platform for Cloud-ready Companies and Those That Aren’t  

MyWorkDrive:Faster, Cheaper, Better.

MyWorkDrive is not another File Sync and Share product. In fact, it is a NEW PARADIGM for providing remote workers with faster, easier, and direct access to their work files. The premise for Enterprise File Sync & Share (EFSS ) products is that company files are synced across managed user devices, permissions are managed outside […]


MyWorkDrive File Server Web Access Now Live! is now live! We are pleased to report MyWorkDrive is now available for purchase and as a monthly subscription. MyWorkDrive let’s you “webify” your existing windows file servers in place for cloud file web access by employees. The server can be located on premise or as a hosted virtual machine on Azure, AWS and others. […]

enterprise file sharing

Collaboration and its Impact on Businesses

As our world grows smaller, technology grows larger to bring us closer together. In the business world, one of the most expensive assets are good employees. It takes time (and money) to interview, hire, train, and get new employees up to speed in order to ramp up productivity. No business owner likes to lose good […]

SAML SSO Integration

Consumer-Grade File Sharing Puts Companies at Risk

You wouldn’t open a free checking account for your company or sign up for a personal insurance policy to cover your company’s business and auto insurance. So why do you choose a regular file-sharing product to run and protect your company and its data? Consumer-file sharing products put your company and its bottom-line at risk, […]

Free SSL Certificate

Why File Syncing and Sharing Solutions are Broken

There has been a proliferation of data driven devices like tablets, smartphones, and laptops that has created an enormous demand for access to business files from anywhere at anytime. This is particularly troubling for businesses because it’s created a bit of a blind spot for IT departments. Companies that care about maintaining control and visibility over […]

Mobile File Sharing

Guide to File Sharing Services


5 Signs You’re the Victim of Hackers and What to Do About It

Has your privacy ever been invaded and shortly after, you have trouble trusting that it won’t happen again? If it hasn’t happened to you, you’re one of the lucky ones. Unfortunately there are vicious hackers out there in the IT world, as we’ve seen recently with what could potentially be one of the largest breaches […]

File Sharing

Lack of File Sharing Mobility in Workplace Costing Companies

ContentsEffects of the Lack of File Sharing MobilityBenefits of Having a File Sharing Strategy/PlatformAccessMobilityStorage Backup Effects of the Lack of File Sharing Mobility A recent study has revealed that companies and top executives have lost data, missed deadlines, and suffer from decreased productivity because of a lack of file sharing mobility and remote access. According […]