Sync & Share vs MyWorkDrive

A graphic portraying a cloud storage sync and share solution.

Organizations of all sizes are grappling with the ever-increasing need for secure and efficient file sharing and collaboration. Many are looking for a a sync & share alternative.

As remote and hybrid work environments become the norm, the demand for reliable cloud-based solutions has skyrocketed.

Let’s take a look at the differences between traditional Sync & Share cloud services and MyWorkDrive. While both offer file-sharing and collaboration capabilities, there are distinct differences that set them apart.

Deploying a Secure Private Cloud with MyWorkDrive Sync & Share Alternative

One of the most significant advantages of MyWorkDrive is its ability to be implemented as a private cloud solution. Unlike traditional Sync & Share cloud services that rely on public cloud infrastructure shared among multiple organizations, MyWorkDrive can be deployed on-premises or within a dedicated private cloud environment.

With MyWorkDrive there is no Vendor Lock-in, syncing, or migrating to proprietary cloud storage. All files remain stored on File Shares and storage that you control.

This approach offers unmatched security and control, catering to the stringent data privacy and compliance requirements of industries handling sensitive information. For a more in-depth read about public vs private cloud setups, click here.

Private clouds provide a range of benefits tailored to specific organizational needs. Enhanced security is a key advantage, as private clouds offer a dedicated environment where organizations have granular control over security measures. This is particularly attractive for sectors dealing with highly sensitive data or those subject to rigorous regulatory compliance standards, such as healthcare, finance, and government agencies.

The customization and control afforded by private clouds empower organizations to tailor their infrastructure to unique specifications, including the selection of hardware, software, and network configurations.

Seamless Integration with Active Directory

One area where MyWorkDrive excels is its seamless integration with existing Active Directory infrastructures.

Sync & Share cloud services often require manual enabling or disabling of users and groups, a process that can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and ultimately disruptive to workflows. In contrast, MyWorkDrive leverages existing Active Directory users, groups, and NTFS permissions to provision users automatically. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for additional user management, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring a consistent user experience across an organization.

MyWorkDrive’s native Active Directory integration also enhances security by leveraging underlying NTFS permissions already in place within an organization’s infrastructure.

This approach ensures that users only have access to the files and folders they are authorized to access, preventing accidental or unauthorized access to sensitive data. By aligning with existing security policies and access controls, MyWorkDrive minimizes the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access, providing an additional layer of protection compared to Sync & Share solutions that may rely on shared keys or less granular access controls. Read more here for an in-depth technical overview.

Native Office Editing and Real-Time Collaboration

The ability to seamlessly edit and collaborate on Office documents is essential for maintaining productivity and efficiency.

MyWorkDrive is a Microsoft Certified Cloud Storage Provider that offers a distinct advantage in this area allowing users to edit and co-edit documents directly in native Office apps, both on desktop and mobile devices.

This seamless integration ensures a consistent and familiar user experience, eliminating the need for third-party online editors or cumbersome workarounds that can lead to compatibility issues, formatting inconsistencies, and a disjointed user experience. By leveraging native Office apps, MyWorkDrive empowers teams to collaborate in real time, fostering productivity and efficient workflows.

In contrast, many Sync & Share cloud services rely on web-based editors or require additional configurations to enable Office editing capabilities, potentially hindering productivity and introducing compatibility challenges. Please take a look at our support article regarding Office Online editing with MyWorkDrive.

Robust Security and Data Protection Measures

Unlike Sync & Share cloud services that often store files and credentials in databases, MyWorkDrive takes a different, more secure approach.

MyWorkDrive exclusively uses existing Active Directory credentials stored securely, eliminating the need for shared accounts or storing sensitive information in potentially vulnerable databases.

MyWorkDrive’s file-handling process is designed with security at its core. Unlike some Sync & Share solutions that download files to temporary cache folders and then upload them back when editing is complete (using an executable for every file), MyWorkDrive’s approach minimizes the potential for security risks associated with temporary file storage and execution. Read more here about Sync & Share security concerns.

Preventing Data Leaks and Ensuring Compliance

MyWorkDrive prioritizes data leak prevention, ensuring that sensitive company data remains secure and protected.

With features like watermarking, time stamps, and the ability to lock down file shares to prevent clipboard copying or printing within the encrypted viewer, MyWorkDrive provides robust safeguards against data theft and loss. Read more here about why data leak prevention is important.

Administrators can configure MyWorkDrive to provide alerts on suspicious user activity, enabling proactive monitoring and response. This level of control and visibility is crucial for organizations operating in highly regulated industries or those handling confidential information, where data leaks can have severe consequences. Read about MyWorkDrive’s compliance certifications here.

Native Integration with Network Share File Locking

One of the standout features of MyWorkDrive is its native integration with network share file locking.

This functionality allows users to continue using traditional mapped drive clients while ensuring proper file locking alongside MyWorkDrive’s web, mobile, and desktop clients.

In contrast, many Sync & Share solutions require all users to migrate to their proprietary clients to properly lock and interact with network shares, potentially causing disruption and confusion for users accustomed to mapped drives. For an deep dive into MyWorkDrive’s file locking features, click here.

By supporting traditional mapped drive clients, MyWorkDrive minimizes the need for extensive user training and enables a seamless transition, reducing the risk of adoption challenges and productivity losses. Click here to read more about our mapped drive integration.

Mobile Office Document Editing and Collaboration

MyWorkDrive Sync & Share alternative offers the ability to collaborate on various devices by enabling real-time editing and co-editing of documents in native Office apps for iOS and Android devices, even when the files are stored on local file shares.

This seamless integration with mobile devices empowers remote teams to stay productive and collaborate efficiently, regardless of their location or device.

Many Sync & Share solutions lack this level of mobile integration and real-time editing capabilities for locally stored files, potentially hindering productivity and collaboration for an out-of-office workforce. Read more about MyWorkDrive’s mobile clients here.

Streamlined Administration and Licensing

Compared to many Sync & Share solutions, which often require manual management of license keys and importing Active Directory users and groups into separate databases, MyWorkDrive offers a more streamlined approach.

With MyWorkDrive, Active Directory is natively integrated, and licenses are automatically provisioned and de-provisioned as users drop off after 30 days, significantly reducing administrative overhead and licensing costs.

This automated approach not only minimizes the burden on IT teams but also ensures that organizations only pay for the licenses they actively need, optimizing resource allocation and reducing unnecessary expenses. Here is a quick support article about MyWorkDrive licensing.

User-Friendly Interface and Minimal Training Requirements

MyWorkDrive’s intuitive file explorer-style interface provides a familiar and user-friendly experience, minimizing the need for extensive training and support.

By leveraging familiar file management, MyWorkDrive Sync & Share alternative reduces the learning curve for end-users, fostering seamless adoption and maximizing productivity from day one.

In contrast, some Sync & Share solutions’ interfaces may require more adjustment and training for users accustomed to traditional file management workflows, potentially slowing down adoption and hindering user satisfaction. Read MyWorkDrive’s reviews to see why users love it’s friendly and intuitive interface.

Sync and Share vs MyWorkDrive: Conclusion

In the long list of file-sharing and collaboration solutions, MyWorkDrive emerges as a compelling alternative to traditional Sync & Share cloud services.

With its ability to implement a secure private cloud, seamless Active Directory integration, robust security measures, and native Office editing capabilities, MyWorkDrive addresses the diverse needs of modern organizations.

Whether it’s the enhanced security and compliance offered by a private cloud deployment, the streamlined user provisioning through Active Directory, or the seamless Office editing and collaboration experience, MyWorkDrive consistently outperforms Sync & Share solutions in critical areas.

By leveraging existing infrastructure and security policies, MyWorkDrive minimizes disruption and ensures a smooth transition for organizations seeking a secure and efficient file-sharing and collaboration solution.

As businesses continue to prioritize data protection, productivity, and user experience, MyWorkDrive is a better choice for organizations seeking a robust and reliable alternative to traditional Sync & Share cloud services.


What are the key differences between MyWorkDrive and Sync & Share cloud services?

Unlike Sync & Share solutions, MyWorkDrive can be deployed as a secure private cloud, leveraging existing Active Directory infrastructure, providing native Office editing capabilities, and offering robust data protection features like watermarking and activity monitoring. Files are never uploaded to the vendor’s platform.

How does MyWorkDrive's security and compliance capabilities compare to Sync & Share platforms?

MyWorkDrive offers enhanced security by supporting private cloud deployment, integrating with existing Active Directory permissions, and preventing data leaks through features like file locking and watermarking. Many Sync & Share services often lack these enterprise-grade controls.

What are the advantages of MyWorkDrive's Active Directory integration over Sync & Share solutions?

While Sync & Share platforms often require separate user provisioning, MyWorkDrive automatically syncs users/groups from Active Directory, ensuring consistent access permissions. This streamlines administration and provides a seamless experience compared to Sync & Share platforms.

How does MyWorkDrive improve collaboration compared to traditional Sync & Share services?

MyWorkDrive enables real-time Office co-authoring across devices, even for locally stored files - a capability many Sync & Share lack. Its file explorer interface is also familiar, reducing training needs versus Sync & Share solutions.

Daniel, Founder of, has worked in various technology management roles serving enterprises, government and education in the San Francisco bay area since 1992. Daniel is certified in Microsoft Technologies and writes about information technology, security and strategy and has been awarded US Patent #9985930 in Remote Access Networking