MyWorkDrive Version 7 Released to Preview

We’re thrilled to unveil the Preview Release of MyWorkDrive Server 7, featuring seamless integration with Azure AD (Entra) for native authentication, alongside support for Azure file shares and Blob Storage via API.

For a detailed overview please click here to review our Version 7 support article, watch the video or see a summary below.

Entra ID (Azure AD) Identity Authentication

Instead of relying on Active Directory on a Domain Joined server, Version 7 introduces the choice to use Entra ID as the identity provider. Refer to our guide on leveraging Entra ID for Identity for more information.

API Connections to Azure Storage

When using Entra ID identity, API connections to Azure Storage (Azure Files, Azure Blob) can be utilized instead of SMB. Explore our comprehensive Azure storage article for comparisons and configuration options.

Named Account for SMB Storage

Users can now employ a named account (also known as a service account) for connections to SMB Storage when utilizing Entra ID identity. Find detailed information in our article on Local/SMB storage.


  • MyWorkDrive Version 7 eliminates the dependency on Active Directory for customers with users in Entra ID.
  • Access to Azure Storage via API in MyWorkDrive enhances performance by eliminating latency associated with SMB connections to Azure Files. This allows for improved performance even with lower storage performance tiers.


  • A Windows server (Physical or Virtual) can be located on-premises or in the cloud. Notably, being domain joined is optional, and Active Directory is not utilized when employing Entra ID identity.
  • User accounts in Entra ID are required (P1 or P2 licenses are not necessary).
  • To utilize Azure Storage shares, an Azure Storage account is mandatory. You may either have existing shares to connect to, or an Azure File Share can be created during the setup process.

Significant Changes

Installer Changes

  • The installer now prompts users to choose between Entra Id (Azure AD) and Active Directory during installation, with no option to switch later.

Server Setup Wizard Updates

  • The updated server setup wizard guides users through server provisioning using Entra ID authentication and connecting to Azure Storage. It supports various storage types and can create an Azure Files share.

Managed Identity Support

  • Version 7 supports Managed Identity for Azure-hosted servers, allowing access to storage accounts without storing credentials on the server.

Key Storage Differences

  • Entra ID changes SMB behavior, with users defining the account for accessing shares as the named user in MyWorkDrive.

Granular Permissions on Shares

Granular permissions are now defined during share creation using Entra ID users and groups, not relying on NTFS permissions.

Public Sharing

  • Public sharing works with various methods, but not for Azure Blob using Entra ID without managed identity and Azure File Share using Entra ID without managed identity.

Supported Clients

  • The Preview Release of MyWorkDrive version 7 supports the Web Client and Windows/MacOS install clients. The mobile client has not yet been published to stores.

Network Architecture and Latency

  • For optimal user experience, it’s recommended to place the MyWorkDrive server on the same network as the File Shares or Storage.

Upgrading Existing MyWorkDrive Servers

  • Upgrading existing MyWorkDrive servers to version 7 to migrate them from Active Directory based identity to native Entra ID authentication is unsupported. No upgrade path exists between MyWorkDrive server Active Directory identity and Entra ID due to differences in storage provisioning and user access. To deploy a MyWorkDrive server with Entra ID identity native authentication, it’s advised to set up a new server and configure it from scratch. Azure AD SAML identity for Active Directory based MyWorkDrive servers will continue to be supported in version 7.

For enhancements and fixes, monitor our release notes: Server | Windows Client | macOS Client

MyWorkDrive Server Version 7.0 is a preview release. MyWorkDrive version 7 preview is not supported for use in a production environment. Customers are advised to test version 7.0 in a separate or standalone environment.

Contact if you need additional trial keys or existing license key activations for test environments. The Server download requires a login or trial account to download. Click the links below to get started.

Version 7 Preview Server Download

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